I apologize for the delay in posting - time has just gotten away from me. The llama/silk roving arrived and it is absolutely wonderful. Fiber fanatics will understand my drooling over the new arrival. The mill took a nice fleece and added soy silk to it to make this roving. It contains very little vegetable matter - far less than I was thinking it would. I have sorted it into 1 and 2 ounce bags for merchandising. I will be keeping 5 oz for spinning and making into a scarf. It is so impressive that I was motivated to sort 2 fleeces and sent them to the mill for processing last week. One will be roving (my cria alpaca fleece) and have bamboo added to it the other will have wool added and be converted to worsted weight yarn. It takes about 4 to 6 weeks for processing so I hope to have the product back by June for summer festival sales.
I spun up my first batt of fiber into a sports weight yarn. It is definitely a different technique to spin batts versus rovings but for me the preparation allowed me to spin a thicker yarn style. On the wheel is some older wool roving which is being spun lace weight - perhaps to sale as no project comes to mind at the moment. The neck warmer (scarflette) is complete and I just need to add buttons. Will be getting the girls at the office opinion on button options this coming week. I am nearly finished with another preemie hat for Children's Hospital. This one has a heart motif on it. I thinking of repeating the motif on a larger hat and the big idea this week is sachet bags! The bags should be pretty simple to knit up and create with a variety of intricate patterns which will satisfy my creative needs. From my online research it seems that most are created in a simple strip panel and then seamed together along with adding the potpourri. Cotton yarn is the most common type of yarn used for the sachet which I do have in the stash. I think one of the projects for the Durango trip will be a bag similar to the wedding bag I made last August. It calls for crochet cotton yarn in a small gauge and was quite intricate. The blue and green crochet thread will make great color statements to the pattern.
Shearing day is 2 weeks away - yeah! I am down to 5 fleeces in the house and know at least one will be made into yarn due to its coarseness. When I was sorting through the fleeces for the last batch to the mill I realized that I had 2 different colors in fleeces destined for yarn. In the future all fleeces will be viewed in daylight not a semi lit barn to aid in judging their color schemes. This fall I think I will add some tan/light brown fleeces to the mix versus my brown/burgundy fleeces. Still want to try my hand at cotton and a good CVM fleece as I hear great things about them and believe my first one was not a good representative of the breed. There is a group on Ravelry that spins up a different bred of fiber a month and records comments, accomplishments and errors with the fiber. So far I have just been reading about their adventures but would like to eventually participate and contribute to the group. They do domestic and rare breeds from various animals which is educational and pretty cool too. Well that's all that is happening thus far in fiber world. No sales thus far on Etsy but I am prepping items to sale at a festival or too this summer so things are moving along. Until next time - try to keep the fiber purchases in tow if possible!
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