I am still amazed at who much I have learned this past year related to selling my merchandise. In talking with a friend this week I realized that my business has allowed me to use that private college degree earned so long ago!
I feel so blessed to have met some many fellow fiber artists, retailers and ranchers this year. My hand spun yarn continues to find good homes through Wild Yarns, my rovings are doing well at the Recycled Lamb shop, the Renaissance Festival will always hold a special place in my memory and we can't forget the online mediums. Just when I was going to give up on eBay I sold a set of fiber, Etsy views drastically dropped in December but I am told this in normal and I just discovered a new online medium "Bonanza" this week.
In talking to my online accounting software vendor "Outright" last week, it really hit home on how much I have learned and grown with my business in 2011. Still have so much to learn - isn't that the case with all business ventures! The one thought provoking question from the session was "Do you sell on Etsy to build locally or sell locally to build Etsy?" I would love to truly have an online presence backed with a few local outlets. In reality in 2011, I have done much better locally than online though. It is my first full year in business and what has happened this year is not predicative to what the next 5 years will be. After all my products have reached Thailand, UK and several states in the U.S. including Hawaii. I haven't broken into South America, Canada or Russia yet but 2012 is upon us and those regions could be in the future!
I have done some spinning during my break and will have one child's hat finished today. I promise to post pictures soon - you can always check out my twitter account (@nashc7) for update info on the shop and me! Yes I am on Twitter and I really like it. My followers continue to grow especially from the UK. Technology definitely has its advantages in making the world seem not so large and allowing those of us with similar passions to connect. Networking events have been fun and educational - it is always nice to interact with others who share your passion. Face to face connections can not be beat though but when that isn't possible I head to the Internet.
I want to close 2011 with thanks to all of my customers, Twitter/Facebook followers, retailers and vendors for being a part of my life and helping to fuel my passion for natural fibers! My 2012 bless each of you with joy, peace and a sense of fulfillment!
Very impressive and Happy New Year To You !